Capital Region Riders And Pedalers
If it's not Hashing it's got to be

CRRAP is a Bike Hash in Victoria, B.C. To find out more about Hashing in Victoria, please visit:
How often have you come out to CRRAP with us? Click here
Victoria HHH Website
Click here to view photos from the first 30 Bike Hashes
Songs For Sinners….
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Past Bike Hashes - The CRRAP is constipated as it last was in 2021
Ride #100 – The 100th CRRAP!  "Ex-lax CRRAP"                Click to enlarge
When: Saturday, August 14th, 2021 3:30 pm
Where: Preemie's Place, 3926 St Peter's Rd.
Premature Evacuation, Jonners and Lakey
IMPORTANT SO READ THIS:  The CRRAP will provide snacks, salads, bread etc - YOU bring your own meat, fish, veg for the bbq. Includes two beers so BYOB for the bbq. Bring your own plate / knife / fork, drinking vessel and chair (or buy a CRRAP blanket)

CRRAP Swag: We have 8 blankets left - if you haven't reserved one and want one if you talk to Lakey nicely she may sell you one for the subsidized cost of $15.

The CRRAP swag is a beach blanket with a pillow that has the CRRAP logo on the blanket - Click here to see a mockup of the blanket. Let Lakey know if you want one ( They are fab - and also would make great yoga mats. This offer is open to all hashers not just crappers.
What: Ride cost $10 - bring a bike and helmet, a whistle, a bike lock
On Afters: Ride followed by a barbeque (grill). See above.
Ride #99 – Almost 100 CRRAPS - the pre100th CRRAP!
When: Saturday, September 28th, 3:30 pm
Where: Pemberton Park, Richardson Rd.
Will be chosen in the circle.
What: $5 - bring a bike and helmet, a whistle, a bike lock
On Afters: TBD
Ride #98 – Happy CRRAPy 12th Birthday Bike Hash - almost a teen!
When: Saturday, June 22nd, 3:30 pm
Where: 1326 Moorgreen Place
Special: A CRRAPy Birthday BHash and BBQ. Bring your own meat / protein to incinerate on the BBQ. CRRAP will provide salads, bread/buns and snacks. Bring a chair and your own plate and cutlery. BYOB for when the hash beer runs out. In effect bring everything you own!.
Little Blow Peep and Digger 
What: $5 - bring a bike and helmet, a whistle, a bike lock
On Afters: BBQ at 1326 Moorgreen Place
Ride #97 – DS 300th Weekend CRRAPy Bike Hash
When: Sunday, May 5th, 3:30 pm
Where: Margaret Jenkins School, 1824 Fairfield Rd (park on Chandler)
Special: It's the Dark Side of the Moon HHH 300th run Weekend CRRAP ending.
Jonners and Lakey  Margaret Jenkins. Trustee on the Victoria School Board in 1897 and 1898.  In 1900 she became president of the Victoria Woman’s Christian Temperance Union.
What: $5 - bring a bike and helmet, a whistle, a bike lock
On Afters: Depending on numbers - probably Ross Bay Pub
Ride #96 – The Tu-Tu Bike Hash
When: Saturday, February 2th, 2:30 pm (Two-two: 2nd day of the 2nd month)
Where: Gorge parking lot off Gorge Road West
Blue Balls
Your chance to ride a bike wearing a Tu-Tu. But, PLEASE, not JUST a tu-tu - it's early February, and may be a bit nippy.  If you have money to buy a Tutu at a place like ToesNTaps Dance Shop you can do that, or to if you have time you can make a tutu. Check out this video.
Cost: $5
On Afters: Gorge Pointe Pub @ 5 PM
Bring: Hash cash, bike lock, lights, a helmet, a whistle, a tu-tu ...
Ride #95 – Christmas Bike Hash BMX Santa: Click to enlarge
When: Saturday, December 22th, 2:30 pm
Where: Jonners and Lakey's, 953 Wilmer Street
Who: Jonners and Lakey
Special: Christmas BHash
Cost: $10
On Afters: Potluck at the Scouts' home - meaty stew provided - bring a dish too share - let Lakey know what you are bringing.  Bring an alcohol related gift for the gift exchange that cost $10-15.
Click here to RSVP (
Bike Reindeers: Click to enlarge
Bring: Hash cash, bike lock, lights, a helmet, a whistle, ...
Ride #94 – Mid-fall Bike Hash
When: Saturday, November 10th, 2:30 pm
Where: Gorge Park (301 Gorge Rd. W. the parking lot opposite Fairways at Gorge and Tillicum)
Who: Premature Evacuation
Special: A Remeberance Day ride
Cost: $5
On Afters: The Gorge Pointe Pub
Bring: Hash cash, bike lock, lights, a helmet, a whistle, ...
Ride #93 – A Dog Days of Summer BHash
When: Thursday, August 23rd, 6:30 pm
Where: Stadacona Park (south side - Stadacona Ave and Pandora)
Who: Jonner and Lakey
Special: NOTE: We will leave at 6:30 pm so don't be late!
Cost: $3
On Afters: Tartan Toque Restaurant - 1507 Pandora Ave.
Bring: Hash cash, bike lock, lights, a helmet, a whistle, ... a sense of humour.
Ride #92 – Summer July 1st BHash
When: Sunday, July 1st, 3:30 pm
Where: Jonners and Lakey's, 953 Wilmer Street
Who: Stroke Alone
Why: It's summer and Canada Day and it’s our annual birthday bash.
On Afters: BBQ @ Jonners and Lakey's. Bring whatever you want to incinerate on the bbq – the bash will provide salads, buns etc.
Bring: Hash cash, a bike and helmet, whistle, lawn chair and beer or whatever you want to drink when the hash beer runs out
Ride #91 – Bike Wine Hash (BWhash #1) ! "Grapes of hash" Ride
When: Saturday March 31, 3:30 pm
Where: Langford, Westhill YMCA
Who: Just Atley and Some Bitchy C
Why: We needed something to stop us wining.
Cost: $5
On Afters: at Ma Millers Pub
Bring: Bring a Bike with a whistle and a Helmet
Ride #90 – Crrapy 10th Birthday!
When: Sunday July 2, 2:30 pm
Where: Jonners & Lakey - 1848 San Pedro Ave.
Who: Blue Balls
Why: We've had 10 years of CRRAPs!
Cost: $5
On Afters: BBQ at Jonners and Lakes' : The CRRAP will supply buns, salad and birthday cake.
Bring:  A bike and Helmet
Something for the BBQ
Something to drink after the circle
Something to sit on when you eat your dinner
Ride #89 – The Spring ExLax Bash
When: Saturday 13 May, 2017, 3:30 pm
Where: Central Middle School, 1280 Fort St.
Who: Stroke Alone and Some Bitch C
Why: 4 months is a long time without a CRRAP (deja vu)
What: Bring a Bike with a whistle and a Helmet
On Afters: Christie's Pub (we have 6PM reservation for 6-8)
Ride #88 – The Christmas Bash
When: Saturday 21 Jan, 2017, 3:30 pm
Where: Jonners and Lakey's
Who: Jonners, Lakey & Special Guest
Why/On Afters: The Annual Xmas Bike Hash, Potluck, & Alcohol-themed Gift Exchange
Ride #87 – The Hallowe’en Bash
When: Saturday 29 Oct, 2016, 3:30 pm
Where: Hyacinth Park (On Marigold just off Interurban)
Who: SBC
Why: 4 months is a long time without a CRRAP
What: Bring a Bike with lights and a Helmet
On Afters: Crooked Goose